Good Evening,
I hope everyone is well. Life is super busy for many of us in the run up to Christmas. I hope you're having fun, but also that you're able to find some rest.
I usually feel frazzled at this time of year but since we moved l have had less work and l don't know very many people up here so not a lot of socialising. So l feel relaxed currently and I'm finding l rather like it. Today l did an extended Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra class online with a fellow teacher and it was wonderful.
I have been trying to boost my immune system after a recent allergic reaction. I'm hoping l am healing but l am nervous it will return l must admit. One recipe l have tried is Golden Turmeric Milk, it's very soothing.
I've simply mixed ground turmeric, ground or minced ginger with lemon juice and hot water. Added some milk and honey and black pepper. It's important to add the pepper and milk as they are what activate and absorb the curcumin in the turmeric. You can make it with maple syrup, cinnamon, tweak it to make it delicious for you. A great bedtime drink, so soothing. I've added a link to one l like at the bottom.
My Christmas online timetable is set now so you can find details on the Facebook group Fit Flamingo or on the website. I'd post the picture here but it doesn't always come out properly. I will also be sending a Mailchimp email next week and details will be there too. Nothing changing until Christmas
I taught a Candlelight Yoga on Thursday evening which was energising and relaxing at the same time. I've taught these for a few years now but recently they've been as a pop up class. They are a great addition to the timetable in the darker winter months. Getting cosy with a blanket seems so much easier in Winter!
Finally l am running 3 retreats with Lisa next year. We have a new website coming where you will be able to find details of these. We are very excited for 2025 and are already organising 2026!
I am teaching a Yoga Afternoon workshop on 1st February in Biddenham, Bedford and have 5 spaces left. Please message me on 07980 610874 if you are interested. The theme is Spinal Twists and Mobility. Sounds serious? It's fun, suitable for all, and there is cake!
I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you for subscribing, thank you even more if you've been in class or on retreat this year. I am a small business and it means the world that people enjoy my Yoga and Fitness classes, both online and in person.
With Love